Demonstration: Identify parts of an image item type


An Identify-parts-of-an-image type item asks the respondent to identify different sections of an image.

My quiz entitled Cinéquiz-français contains an Identify-parts-of-an-image item on the subject of Quebec film producers.

Under the Content tab, I wrote the title of this item, and in the question text I ask the respondents to identify the producers of the films represented in the images.

An option over the image allows me to choose a colour for the contours of the sections within the image. It is important to select a colour that contrasts with the image we have chosen. I chose black for the contours. Farther down, I have already inserted an image and indicated the sections. I will delete it by clicking on the "x" situated in the upper right corner of the image, in order to demonstrate how I proceeded. When we move the mouse over Add an image, we are given the option of taking an image from our Library or importing a new image from our computer. I will retrieve an image from my library; it’s called film_poster. It is an image made up of six movie posters that I put together using a graphic editing software.

Under the image, I identified each section that the respondent must identify within the image. My question asks the respondent to associate the name of the producers with the films represented by the posters that make up my image. I also could have defined the sections by using images (photos of the producers, for example), by choosing the option Image in the small drop-down menu. Each time that I define another section to identify, a small label is added to the top-left corner of the image. I must move this label to the appropriate part of the image. For each section that has been defined in this way, I can write two feedback messages: positive feedback if the respondent places the label in the right place, and negative feedback if not.

An Identify-parts-of-an-image item can include from 2 to 30 sections to identify.

Under the Add-ons tab, I did not write any extra information in the fields available, nor did I put anything in Media in the header.

This type of item includes, under the Parameters tab, in addition to the parameters that are common to all of the question types (Weighting, Automatically start media and Display correct answer), two special parameters. The first parameter gives you two options for how the sections to identify are displayed. You can choose Random order, which means that each respondent will see the list of film producers in a random order. If you choose Predetermined order, the respondents will see the list in the order in which you prepared it. I chose the second option. The second parameter allows you to choose the type of label (letters or numbers) that the respondent must place on the images. I chose Alphabetic.

Now I will look at a preview of how the respondents will see this item in the published quiz. Under my question statement appears the image with the black contour to separate the sections into which the respondents must put the labels that are below the image. The letter on each label corresponds with a film producer, and must be placed in the right section of the image. I quickly place the labels on the image, and then click on Submit. The sections that have been correctly identified have a green dot before them. Otherwise, they have a red square. Each section to be identified shows an appropriate feedback message, if I wrote one, of course.

And there you have the item, Identify parts of an image!