Welcome to the Second Language
Proficiency Test (TPLS)!
Before starting, follow the instructions on the home page. Once you start the test, answer all the questions without any help, even if you are not sure of the answers.
The test is divided into two main sections and takes about 90 minutes to complete. You may take a break after the first section of the test if you wish. Your results will be automatically saved. To return to the test, go back to tpls.ca/SLPT/passation, enter your username and password, and click Continue Test. The test will resume where you left off.
For further information, see the help menu on the left.
Here are the steps to log in to the Second Language Proficiency Test (TPLS):
Only the username and password sent to you are required to take the test. However, the manager who registered you for the TPLS may ask you to provide additional information. You can enter:
Note: The institution or organization that registered you for the test may keep your personal data and results for administrative purposes. As for the organization that designed the test (the Collegial Center for Educational Materials Development or CCDMD), it only keeps anonymized results for statistical analysis.
Enter the username and password you were provided for the TPLS in the corresponding fields.
Note: If you do not have your username or password, contact the test manager at the institution or organization that registered you for the TPLS.
Once you have entered your personal information along with your username and password, click the Continue button. You will be redirected to the test presentation page.
If you are taking the TPLS in a classroom or lab
In the event of a problem with your username or password, contact the manager who registered you for the test. If you cannot reach the manager, contact a staff member at the institution where you are taking the test.
If you are taking the TPLS at home
In the event of a problem with your username or password, contact the manager who registered you for the test. If you cannot reach the manager, contact the CCDMD technical support team at 514 873-7823 or soutien@ccdmd.qc.ca.
The main objective of the Second Language Proficiency Test (TPLS) is to determine your level of proficiency in French. You will obtain a result from 1 to 10 corresponding to the levels of the Scale of Second Language Proficiency Levels. For more details, see the proficiency levels descriptions.
The test takes 60 to 90 minutes to complete. It is divided into two main sections: oral comprehension and written comprehension. The test cannot be stopped in the middle of a section. You may take a break after completing the questions on oral comprehension. Your answers will be automatically saved. To return to the questionnaire, go back to tpls.ca, click Continue Test, and enter your username and password. The test will resume at the beginning of the section on written comprehension.
You can access the questionnaire from any computer connected to the Internet. The test is optimized for Internet Explorer (version 9.0 or later) and Firefox (version 8.0 or later). Make sure your browser version is adequate.
Read the first page of the test carefully. Also refer to other TPLS help topics as needed. You will not have access to them while you answer questions.
When you are ready, click the Continue button.
The test items are very varied; familiarize yourself in advance with the types of questions you will be asked. Before answering a question, always read the instructions at the top of the page and the answer choices provided. Some questions may seem more difficult than others; answer them as best you can, even if you are not quite sure of your choice.
Test questions are grouped into two categories: oral comprehension and written comprehension.
For each oral comprehension question, you will need to listen to a conversation, a news report or some other type of spoken message.
Written comprehension questions all relate to a short text (a recipe, an invoice, a blog article, etc.).
Read this text and look at the images before answering the question.
All questions are timed. You can see the timer near the question.
Answer all the questions, even if you are unsure of some of your answers.
Note: In the oral comprehension section, the timer only starts when the audio file has finished playing. In the written comprehension section, the timer starts as soon as the question is displayed.
Your answers are analyzed as you progress through the test. A message will appear once you proficiency level has been determined; the test is then complete.
The TPLS includes five types of questions:
The answers to the following question can be found in this text:
Drag and drop the answer choices to form pairs.
Respond to an association question by pairing each of a set of elements in the 2nd column with one of the choices provided in the 1st column. Association questions are used to assess your recognition and recall of related information. Your response is deemed correct when you have successfully matched all of the elements.
The answer to the following question can be found in this text:
Select the correct answer from a list of possible answers.
Respond to a multiple choice question by selecting the correct answer from a list that includes the correct answer and several incorrect answers. Multiple choice questions are used to test your comprehension of a broad range of content. The context of the item and the type of response required determines whether the item is recall or interpretation. Your response is deemed correct when you have selected the single correct answer.
The answers to the following question can be derived from this text:
Drag and drop the answer choices in the correct order to form a logical text.
Respond to a sequencing question by dragging the elements into the correct order. Sequencing questions are used to test your ability to recall a series of events or a process in the order in which it was presented. They measure your ability to construct meaning and comprehend logical consequences expressed in verbal or written form. Your response is deemed correct when you have arranged all of the elements in the correct order.
The answers to the following question can be found in this text:
Drag and drop the correct answers into the blank spaces.
Respond to a cloze text with drag-and-drop question by filling in the blanks in a text. Drag the correct answer from a predefined set of possible answers above the text to the appropriate blank in the text. Cloze text with drag-and-drop questions are used to assess your language skills by imitating the editing process. They measure your ability to infer the most appropriate conclusion to an incomplete statement. Your response is deemed correct when you have filled in all of the blanks correctly.
The answers to the following question can be found in this text:
Select the correct answer from a list of possible answers.
Respond to a cloze text with menus question by filling in the blanks in a text. Select the correct answer from a predefined list of possible answers. Cloze text with menus questions are used to assess your ability to compare options and make accurate choices. Cloze text with menus questions are simpler to decode than cloze text with drag-and-drop, as they narrow the range of correct answers. Your response is deemed correct when you have selected the single correct answer.
The Scale of Second Language Proficiency Levels for the College Student describes the development of second language proficiency in 10 levels. For each level, it defines what the learner is able to understand orally and in writing.
To get more information about each level, you can consult the proficiency level descriptions. In addition, your instructor can use this information to plan activities that will help you progress to a higher level.
Proficiency level descriptions
The proficiency test is made up of a number of items divided into two categories:
The items measuring oral comprehension are based on audio recordings, which vary in length and complexity depending on the target proficiency level. The audio recordings serve as the foundation for the questions appearing in one or more items.
Each item in oral comprehension includes:
Level 1
In predictable situations, with the support of the speaker, I understand a few isolated words and expressions. I can: |
Level 2
In predictable situations, with the support of the speaker, I understand simple sentences and short conversations. I can: |
Level 3
In predictable situations, I understand the gist of a simple conversation or message. I can: |
Level 4
In predictable situations, I understand the meaning of a simple conversation or message. The topic is familiar, the speech is clear, and the ideas are presented in a direct manner in everyday language. I can: |
Level 5
In predictable situations, I understand the progression of ideas. The topic is concrete and familiar, the speech is clear, and the ideas are expressed succinctly in everyday language. I can: |
Level 6
In predictable situations, or partially predictable situations, I understand conversations and discourse on concrete topics. I can: |
Level 7
In predictable situations or partially predictable situations, I understand conversations or discourse on various concrete topics. The language is standard and speech is at a normal rate. I can: |
Level 8
In predictable situations or partially predictable situations, I understand conversations and opinion discourse on various concrete topics. I can: |
Level 9
In sometimes unpredictable situations, I understand conversations and discourse on various, sometimes abstract topics. I can: |
Level 10
In sometimes unpredictable situations, I easily understand conversations and discourse on various sometimes abstract topics. I can: |
The items measuring written comprehension are based on written texts, which vary in length and complexity depending on the target proficiency level. The texts serve as the foundation for the questions appearing in one or more items.
Each item in written comprehension includes:
Level 1
Documents are very simple, relate to personal identity and refer to immediate needs. I understand words, expressions or sentences. I can: |
Level 2
Documents are very simple, relate to personal identity and refer to immediate needs. I partially understand brief, simple texts. I can: |
Level 3
Documents are very simple or related to advertising and refer to daily life. I understand the gist of brief, simple texts. I can: |
Level 4
Documents relate to concrete topics and refer to daily life. The language is simple and common. I understand a few paragraphs. I can: |
Level 5
Documents relate to concrete topics and may include some complex elements, such as certain uncommon words. I partially understand a few paragraphs. I can: |
Level 6
Documents relate to familiar topics and may include some complex elements, such as uncommon words. I understand the main information in a one-page text. I can: |
Level 7
Documents relate to subjects of general interest and may include complex elements, such as uncommon words or certain implicit concepts. I understand the main idea in a text. I can: |
Level 8
Documents relate to subjects of general interest and include arguments. Texts may relate to a specific field of study. They include complex elements, such as uncommon words, implicit concepts and abstract ideas. I understand the main idea in documents of several pages. I can: |
Level 9
Documents include various complex elements, and may address unfamiliar or abstract topics. I understand the main idea in complex documents. I can: |
Level 10
Documents include various complex elements, and address abstract topics. I understand the main idea, the tone and explanations in complex documents. I can: |
The Second Language Proficiency Test (TPLS) is a tool designed by the Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD).
The test is used by subscription only, and anyone wishing to use it for commercial purposes must enter into a specific agreement with the CCDMD. If you have any questions about the subscription or the TPLS, please contact the CCDMD by email at tpls@ccdmd.qc.ca or by telephone at 514 873-2200.
Application Design
Research, Educational Design and Drafting
Project Management
Test Evaluation
Drafting of Implementation Guide
Language Editing
System Design and Programming
Web Integration
Graphic Design
Audio Production
AcknowledgmentsDeborah Armstrong, Rebecca Baker, Chantal Bélanger, Kathye Bélanger, Philippe Bonneau, Marie-Pierre Bouchard, Yvonne Christiansen, Marie-Claude Doucet, Cathie Dugas, Paul Fournier, Philippe Gagné, Sylvain Gagnon, Francine Gervais, Sue Harrison, Réjean Jobin, André Laferrière, Charles Lapointe, James Laviolette, Julia Lovatt, Michel D. Laurier, Susan MacNeil, Anne McMullon, Jean-Denis Moffet, Andrew Moore, Joanne Munn, Ian Murchison, Colette Noël, Patrick Peachey, Christian Ragusich, Michael Randall, Pierre Richard, Joan Thompson, Rachel Tunnicliffe, Inèse Wilde
The TPLS was designed for the college network in response to current needs, with the objective of promoting academic success for young students in Québec. Many teachers, professionals and students collaborated in the development of the test and its validation. We would like to thank them all for their valued contributions. This project is funded by the Québec Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur (MEES) and the Canada-Québec Agreement on Minority-language Education and Second-Language Instruction. |