The main objective of the Second Language Proficiency Test (TPLS) is to determine your level of proficiency in French. You will obtain a result from 1 to 10 corresponding to the levels of the Scale of Second Language Proficiency Levels. For more details, see the proficiency levels descriptions.
The test takes 60 to 90 minutes to complete. It is divided into two main sections: oral comprehension and written comprehension. The test cannot be stopped in the middle of a section. You may take a break after completing the questions on oral comprehension. Your answers will be automatically saved. To return to the questionnaire, go back to, click Continue Test, and enter your username and password. The test will resume at the beginning of the section on written comprehension.
You can access the questionnaire from any computer connected to the Internet. The test is optimized for Internet Explorer (version 9.0 or later) and Firefox (version 8.0 or later). Make sure your browser version is adequate.
Read the first page of the test carefully. Also refer to other TPLS help topics as needed. You will not have access to them while you answer questions.
When you are ready, click the Continue button.
The test items are very varied; familiarize yourself in advance with the types of questions you will be asked. Before answering a question, always read the instructions at the top of the page and the answer choices provided. Some questions may seem more difficult than others; answer them as best you can, even if you are not quite sure of your choice.
Test questions are grouped into two categories: oral comprehension and written comprehension.
For each oral comprehension question, you will need to listen to a conversation, a news report or some other type of spoken message.
Written comprehension questions all relate to a short text (a recipe, an invoice, a blog article, etc.).
Read this text and look at the images before answering the question.
All questions are timed. You can see the timer near the question.
Answer all the questions, even if you are unsure of some of your answers.
Note: In the oral comprehension section, the timer only starts when the audio file has finished playing. In the written comprehension section, the timer starts as soon as the question is displayed.
Your answers are analyzed as you progress through the test. A message will appear once you proficiency level has been determined; the test is then complete.