Sample Questions

The TPLS includes five types of questions:


The answers to the following question can be found in this text:

sample text

Drag and drop the answer choices to form pairs.

Respond to an association question by pairing each of a set of elements in the 2nd column with one of the choices provided in the 1st column. Association questions are used to assess your recognition and recall of related information. Your response is deemed correct when you have successfully matched all of the elements.

question type associations

Multiple choice

The answer to the following question can be found in this text:

sample text

Select the correct answer from a list of possible answers.

Respond to a multiple choice question by selecting the correct answer from a list that includes the correct answer and several incorrect answers. Multiple choice questions are used to test your comprehension of a broad range of content. The context of the item and the type of response required determines whether the item is recall or interpretation. Your response is deemed correct when you have selected the single correct answer.

question type multiple choice


The answers to the following question can be derived from this text:

sample text

Drag and drop the answer choices in the correct order to form a logical text.

Respond to a sequencing question by dragging the elements into the correct order. Sequencing questions are used to test your ability to recall a series of events or a process in the order in which it was presented. They measure your ability to construct meaning and comprehend logical consequences expressed in verbal or written form. Your response is deemed correct when you have arranged all of the elements in the correct order.

question type sequencing

Cloze text with drag-and-drop

The answers to the following question can be found in this text:

sample text

Drag and drop the correct answers into the blank spaces.

Respond to a cloze text with drag-and-drop question by filling in the blanks in a text. Drag the correct answer from a predefined set of possible answers above the text to the appropriate blank in the text. Cloze text with drag-and-drop questions are used to assess your language skills by imitating the editing process. They measure your ability to infer the most appropriate conclusion to an incomplete statement. Your response is deemed correct when you have filled in all of the blanks correctly.

question type drag drop cloze

Cloze text with menus

The answers to the following question can be found in this text:

sample text

Select the correct answer from a list of possible answers.

Respond to a cloze text with menus question by filling in the blanks in a text. Select the correct answer from a predefined list of possible answers. Cloze text with menus questions are used to assess your ability to compare options and make accurate choices. Cloze text with menus questions are simpler to decode than cloze text with drag-and-drop, as they narrow the range of correct answers. Your response is deemed correct when you have selected the single correct answer.

question type cloze menu