Netquiz Web application software

Netquiz Web is a multilingual and multi-user application produced by the CCDMD that, with Internet access, allows you to easily create exercises, formative game quizzes and multimedia tests, and to publish them on the Internet with a single click. (For more information concerning system requirements and compatible browsers, see the section Minimum system requirements.)

DEMO text and video for this item

A Netquiz Web project is a collection of quizzes prepared using items and media files from the project's library. The collaboration function allows several users to work on the same project.

Netquiz Web quizzes are published in French or in English, and can also be translated into other languages. It is also possible to add a glossary of terms for the respondent's use.

The library of a Netquiz Web project contains the elements needed to create quizzes, such as names of categories to file quizzes, items and names of categories to file them, media files, a list of terms for the glossary and the list of languages in which quizzes are published, along with the translated content, for quizzes in other languages. 

Netquiz Web items are the building blocks of quizzes. There are 13 item types all requiring a different sort of interaction from the respondent, in the form of question pages; the last item type, Page, is used to make additional pages for your quiz such as a welcome page, an end page, and transition pages, depending on your needs.

Media files, including images, audio files and videos, are easy to integrate into the items of a quiz.

Terms are words or expressions that are saved in the library and can be used to create glossaries that can be associated with quizzes.

Languages make it possible to create quizzes in languages other than French and English.