Using lists

By default, lists are displayed in the order of the codes assigned by Netquiz Web in the Code column. In order to display the list in the same order as another column, click on the header of the other column.

To change the order of the elements in a column (ascending or descending order), click on the column header.

To select a specific element, click on the element's title or the box corresponding to the element. The drop-down menu indicated by the gear icon presents the functions that are available for the selected elements.

When more than one element has been selected, the drop-down menu (indicated by the gear icon) will only display the functions available for the group of elements.

To facilitate using a long list of elements, use the display tools that are found at the right of the page, above the list. In the drop-down menu, you can choose how many elements will be displayed per page, and then use the arrows to move to the following or previous pages.