Demonstration: Export content from Netquiz Pro 4 into Netquiz Web

This tutorial will show you how to export the questions and quizzes from Netquiz Pro 4 into Netquiz Web.

First, I open the bank of questions and quizzes that were prepared using Netquiz Pro 4 (having the file format .npro). Next, in the File menu, I select Export in XML format. Then, I save the exported file to the desktop of my computer, so that I can find it easily. This can take a few seconds or more, depending on the quantity of material you have to export and the size of the media files that it contains. When this operation is finished, a window will appear that indicates the name of the exported file and the path showing where to find it. Then, I click on OK.

In order to import the file that I just exported from Netquiz Pro 4 into Netquiz Web, I must compress it into ZIP. format. To do this, I open the exported file. Then I select the two elements that it contains: the XML files and the media file — while pressing on the Shift key. Then I right-click with the mouse and select the function that lets me compress the selected files in ZIP. format.

Now, I open the Netquiz Web application. In the left column next to the sub-menu My quizzes, I select the option Import elements. I click on Choose file in order to find the compressed file on my computer. Then I click on Import.

And there you are! All of the files that were in the older .npro format are now imported into My quizzes, My items and My media.

In order to confirm that everything is in place, I click on My quizzes: the quiz entitled Thema is there. And when I check in the library, I can find all the freshly imported items, either by searching in the column Modification date, or in the column Category, because all the elements imported by Netquiz Pro 4 are automatically categorized by the name of the compressed file. When I click on My media, I can also find all the newly imported media in the My media list.