Netquiz Web Installation

If you need help, send this page to your web hosting provider, so that the provider can prepare the server and transmit instructions to you regarding the steps required for installation.

1. Use decompression software to unzip the file contents from the file, which you have downloaded from the site The unzipped folder contains the file Lisez-moi_NetquizWeb.html and a directory entitled nqw.

2. If you work with a Web hosting service and you need help, send them a copy of the file Lisez-moi_NetquizWeb.html, so that they can prepare the server and then send you the information that you will need in order to proceed to the next steps.

If you install Netquiz Web on your own Web server or a server that you are familiar with, you should create a MySQL database dedicated to the Netquiz Web application software.

NOTE: The Netquiz Web database must not be shared with the database of other applications.

The MySQL user for this database must have permission to perform all the following operations: Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Index, Create temporary tables, Execute, Create, Alter, Drop, Lock tables, References and Create routine.

3. Find the file in the nqw directory. Open it using text- or code-editing software. For each of the variables, write the values that you were given by your Web hosting service (or the values that you have defined when you created the database). WRITE THESE VALUES BETWEEN THE APOSTROPHES (' ') that you find at the end of the lines:

Network address of the database Web server
define('DB_HOST', ' ') ;

Web server database port
define('DB_PORT, ' ') ;

Name of the Netquiz Web database
define('DB_NAME', ' ') ;

Netquiz Web database username
define('DB_USER', ' ') ;

Netquiz Web database password
define('DB_PASSWORD', ' ');

Email address that will be displayed to identify the sender of emails sent automatically by Netquiz Web to the users
define('EMAIL_FROM', ' ');  (Note: Ideally this address should not be your personal email address, but rather an address reserved for Netquiz Web.)

Return email address in case of non-delivery of email
define('RETURN_PATH', '');

4. Using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) software and the access information that you were given, upload the nqw directory (which you took from from your computer to the Web server. The fileLisez-moi_NetquizWeb.html does not need to be transferred to the Web server, unless you wish to save it in this location.

5. Make sure that the Web host has permission to write in the following nqw subdirectories:

  • /ressources/journaux
  • /ressources/medias
  • /web

In Windows, make sure that all of the “IIS_IUSRS” and “USERS” users have permission to modify any of the directories.  You can modify these permissions by clicking on the directory (while you are connected to the Web server), right clicking on the directory, then on Properties, and then on Security. At this point you can manage permissions for the directories.

On Linux, you can modify these permissions by using your FTP software. Make sure that the Apache Web server is configured to accept .htaccess files. You can ask your Web host to make these modifications for you, if necessary.

6. Write the directory ULR address of your installation of Netquiz Web in the address bar of your browser, followed by /app/install.php. Then follow the installation instructions that are displayed on your screen.

If you have questions or experience technical problems, contact technical support at