My Assessments

In Netquiz Web+, an assessment is the final, published version of a questionnaire. It is what the participants will be able to see. You can create one or more assessments from the same questionnaire and have, for example, identical versions intended for different groups.

An assessment can be formative or summative, depending on the Type of questionnaire setting in the questionnaire's Parameters tab. Given that the questionnaire forms the basis of the assessment, any changes that are made to it will affect posted assessments that use the questionnaire’s form. It’s therefore best to avoid modifying a questionnaire that is linked to active assessments.

Note: Participants’ identities can only be known within the context of a summative evaluation; participants are anonymous in formative evaluations.

Displaying the list of assessments:

At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click Assessments to access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.

From this page, there are several assessment-related actions available: see an assessment’s results, export an assessment’s results (in CSV or PDF format), deactivate an assessment, or move an assessment to the recycle bin. Simply check the box corresponding to the desired assessment, move the cursor over the gear icon and click on the action you want to take.

To sort the data in the table according to a given column (e.g. activation date, or number of participants), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of assessments that are displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the page. 

The columns in the list are as follows:

  • Code: Unique number assigned by Netquiz Web+ when the assessment is created.
  • Assessment title: Name given by the user when the assessment is created.
  • Questionnaire title: Name of the questionnaire the assessment is based on.
  • Assessment start: Date and time the assessment became or will become active (at the time of creation or later, depending on what was decided when the assessment was created).
  • Type: Formative or summative (depending on the type of questionnaire the assessment is based on).
  • Status: Active or inactive.
  • Answers to be corrected: Number of answers (to Essay-type questions) that have not been corrected yet (see how to correct these answers).
  • Participants: In summative mode (number of people who took the assessment) and in formative mode (umber of times the assessment was taken, all participants combined).
  • Average (%): Average (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants. This number is subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected.

Posting an assessment

To post an assessment:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments.
  2. Click on Post a new assessment to the right of My results per assessment. A form will appear.
  3. Click on the arrow in the drop-down menu under Choose a questionnaire, then select the title of the questionnaire you want to use to create the assessment.
  4. Give your assessment a title. This title will not be visible to the participants. It will only be used to find the assessment in the assessment list.  
  5. Under Unique ID for URL, enter an identifier of your choosing. It will be placed after the set prefix and form your assessment's URL address. 
  6. Under Access code (displayed in summative mode only), enter a code of your choosing, which you will provide to the participants so they can access the assessment.
  7. Select the Assessment period: now or custom.
  8. Click on Post assessment. 

A confirmation message will appear in a banner. Click on the URL in this banner to view your assessment.

It is also possible to post an assessment from a questionnaire (see how to do so).

IMPORTANT: Any changes that are made to a questionnaire will affect all posted assessments that are based on that questionnaire. It’s therefore best to avoid modifying a questionnaire that is linked to active assessments.

Consulting assessment results

Netquiz Web+'s summative pane lets you track the results and statistics for each posted assessment. 

To consult assessment results:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment whose results you want to see.

The page that appears will contain several statistics on the selected assessment and its parameters. The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. 

In the middle part of the page, you will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the date and time its period of activity starts and ends. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined are shown as being “In progress.”


  • Number of participants: In summative mode (number of people who took the assessment) or in formative mode (number of times the assessment was taken, all participants included).
  • Number of questions: Number of questions in the assessment.
  • Number of incomplete assessments: Number of assessments that were started, but not completed (partial results are registered regardless).
  • Number of partial answers: Number of partially correct answers, all participants included.
  • Graded out of: The assessment's total number of points.
  • Average: Average (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants. 
  • Median: Median (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants.
  • Lowest grade: Lowest grade received for this assessment.
  • Highest grade: Highest grade received for this assessment.
  • Grade(s) equal to 60% or more: In summative mode (number of participants who scored a grade of 60% or higher) or in formative mode (number of times a grade of 60% or higher was received, all participants included).
IMPORTANT: The data in the Average, Median, Lowest grade, Highest grade and Score(s) equal to 60% or higher are subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected (see how to correct these answers).

Assessment parameters

  • Questionnaire title: Name of the questionnaire the assessment is based on.
  • Assessment period: Date and time the assessment's period of activity starts and ends. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.”
  • Type: Formative or summative (depending on the type of questionnaire the assessment is based on).
  • URL: URL address used to access the assessment.
  • Access code: Code defined when creating the assessment, which the participants must enter to start the assessment (summative mode only).

You can also view the detailed results per participant or per question. 

Consulting results for each participant

To consult the participants’ individual results for an assessment:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment to see the results.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of participants.

The list of people who took the assessment will appear on a new page. You will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the start and end date and time during which it was active. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.” 

To sort the data in the table according to a given parameter (e.g. per group or result), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of participants displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the table. 

The columns in the list are as follows:

  • Code: Unique number assigned by Netquiz Web+.
  • Identifier: Identification code you assigned and provided to the participant (for security and confidentiality reasons, no personal information is used on Netquiz Web+). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • PseudonymScreen name chosen by the participant upon starting the assessment, which can be used to establish the participant's identity in the event of a problem with their identifier (typo, forgot, mix-up, etc.). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • Group: Group to which the participant belongs (optional information provided by the participant upon starting the assessment). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • Start: Date and time the participant started the assessment.
  • End: Date and time the participant entered their last answer (before the assessment period’s end).
  • Result (points): Number of points obtained out of the total possible points. 
  • Result (%): Result obtained (percentage).
IMPORTANT: The data in the Result (points) and Result (%) columns are subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected (see how to correct these answers).

To consult a participant's detailed results: 

Click on their identifier or, for formative assessments, on the dash (-). You can also check the box corresponding to the participant, move the cursor over the gear icon and click on View detailed results. In addition to a summary of the information on the List of participants page, the page that appears will contain the following information:

  • Number of questions: Number of questions in the assessment.
  • Correct answers: Number of answers the participant got right.
  • Incorrect answers: Number of answers the participant got wrong.
  • Partial answers: Number of answers the participant got partially right.
  • Answers to be corrected: Number of Essay-type questions whose answers have not been corrected yet.
  • Corrected answers: Number of questions whose answers have already been corrected.

Below this, you will see information on each of the assessment's questions (click on the green icon to the right of the status to display or hide this information):

  • Status: Correct answer, partial answer, incorrect answer, answer to be corrected (see how to correct).
  • Type: Type of question (Dictation, Matching, Multiple choice, etc.).
  • Question text: Question's statement. 
  • Points: Number of points obtained out of the total possible points.
  • Complementary information: Additional information about the answer given to this question (e.g. number of errors). Only displayed for certain types of questions. 
  • Answer: Answer given by the participant. Only displayed for certain types of questions.

The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. The ones right underneath let you move from one participant to the next.

Consulting results for each question

To consult the results for each question in an assessment:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment whose results you want to see.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of questions.

The page that appears will contain the list of the assessment's questions. You will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the start and end date and time during which it was active. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.” 

To sort the data in the table according to a given parameter (e.g. per type or weight), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of questions displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the table.

The columns in the list are as follows:

  • Code: Unique number assigned by Netquiz Web+.
  • Question: Title chosen by the user when saving the item corresponding to the question.
  • Type: Type of question (Dictation, Revision, Matching, etc.).
  • Answers to be corrected: Number of answers (Essay-type questions) that have not been corrected yet.
  • Weighting: Value (in points) attributed to the question. 
  • Average (points): Average (points) of the results obtained by all the participants.
  • Average (%): Average (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants.
IMPORTANT: The data in the Average (points) and Average (%) columns for Essay-type questions are subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected (see how to correct these answers).

To consult the detailed results for a question:

Click on its title (Question column). In addition to a summary of the information on the List of questions page, the page that appears will contain the following information:

  • Question text: Question's statement.
  • Number of participants: Number of people who answered the question.
  • Correct answers: Number of participants who got the answer right.
  • Incorrect answers: Number of participants who got the answer wrong.
  • Partial answers: Number of participants who got the answer partly right.
  • Answers to be corrected: Number of answers that have not been corrected yet.
  • Corrected answers: Number of answers already corrected.

Below this, you will see information on each of the assessment's questions (click on the green icon to the right of the status to display or hide this information):

  • Pseudonym: Screen name chosen by the participant upon starting the assessment, which can be used to establish the participant's identity in the event of a problem with their identifier (typo, forgot, mix-up, etc.). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • Group: Group to which the participant belongs (optional information provided by the participant upon starting the assessment). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • Status: Correct answer, partial answer, incorrect answer, answer to be corrected (see how to correct).
  • Points: Number of points obtained out of the total possible number of points.
  • Complementary information: Additional information about the answer given to this question (e.g. number of errors). Only displayed for certain types of questions. 
  • Answer: Answer given by the participant. Only displayed for certain types of questions.

In a summative assessment, this information is preceded by the participant's identifier, that is, the identification code you assigned and provided to the participant so that they could take the assessment.

The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. The ones right underneath let you move from one question to the next.

Correcting answers to Essay questions

The answers to Essay questions cannot be automatically corrected in Netquiz Web+. In formative mode, participants have access to a response model or instructions on how to self-correct. In summative mode, you must grade the essays by manually scoring each question.

To correct the answers to a specific question:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the appropriate assessment.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of questions.
  4. In the list that appears, click on the title of the Essay question you want to grade. The detailed results sheet will appear. 
  5. Find the answers whose status is “To be corrected” and click on the triangular icon to the right of the status.
  6. Assess the answer and give it a score.
  7. Click on Save to confirm.

To correct a specific participant's answer:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the appropriate assessment.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of participants.
  4. In the list that appears, click on the identifier of the participant whose answer(s) you want to correct. The participant's detailed results sheet will appear. 
  5. Find the answers whose status is “To be corrected” and click on the triangular icon to the right of the status.
  6. Assess the participant's answer and give it a score.
  7. Click on Save to confirm.

The arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the results sheet let you quickly move from one participant to the next.

Exporting the results (CSV or PDF format)

To export a summary of an assessment's results in CSV format:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Select the assessment results you want to export by checking the corresponding box.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Export results (CSV).

To export the results summary in CSV format from an assessment's statistics page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Export results (CSV)

The following data will be exported:

  • About the assessment: Title, code, start and end dates and times, number of participants, number of questions and results’ average.
  • About each participant: Code, identifier, pseudonym, group, start and end dates and times, result in points, result in percentage.
NOTE: If the data you’ve exported does not display correctly in Excel, launch Excel before opening the CSV file. In the import wizard that appears, select the semicolon (;) as a separator. Increase the width of all columns that have one or more cells containing a series of hash marks (#).

To export an assessment's detailed results in PDF format:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Webpage, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Select the assessment results you want to export by checking the corresponding box.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Export detailed results (PDF).

The PDF file will contain:

  • the statistics page for that assessment;
  • the table from the List of participants page; and
  • the detailed sheets showing the results for each question, for each participant.

Deleting assessment results

To delete one or more participants’ results:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments to display the list of assessments.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment whose results you want to delete.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of participants.
  4. Select the participant(s) whose results you want to delete by checking the corresponding box(es).
  5. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Move to recycle bin.

To delete the results from a participant's detailed results page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Move to recycle bin.

NOTE: Results moved to the recycle bin are not permanently deleted, but simply placed in the project’s bin. They can be restored or permanently deleted from the Recycle bin menu in the left pane.

To delete all the results for one or more questions:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments to display the list of assessments.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment whose results you want to delete.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of questions.
  4. Select the question(s) whose results you want to delete by checking the corresponding box(es).
  5. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Move to recycle bin.

To delete the results from a participant's detailed results page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Move to recycle bin.

NOTE: Results moved to the recycle bin are not permanently deleted, but simply placed in the project’s bin. They can be restored or permanently deleted from the Recycle bin menu in the left pane.

Deactivating an assessment

To deactivate an assessment:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Select the assessment you want to deactivate by checking the corresponding box.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Deactivate the assessment

To deactivate an assessment from its statistics page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Deactivate the assessment.

IMPORTANT: Deactivating an assessment is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Deleting an assessment

To delete an assessment:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments to display the list of assessments.
  2. Select the assessment you want to delete by checking the corresponding box.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Move to recycle bin.

To delete an assessment from its statistics page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Move to recycle bin.

NOTE: Assessments moved to the recycle bin are not permanently deleted, but simply placed in the project’s bin. They can be restored or permanently deleted from the Recycle bin menu in the left pane.