My Quizzes

A Netquiz Web project can contain one or several quizzes that are made using the items and media files previously saved in the project's library.

By default, a quiz contains a cover page, an end page and a page for each question. You can use Page items to separate the question pages, which use any of the 13 other types of items requiring different types of interaction from the respondent. For example, a Dictation item asks the respondent to transcribe the contents of an audio file, while a Matching item requires the respondent to pair different elements.

NOTE: One should not confuse items with questions. The item can be seen as one of the Netquiz Web building blocks that you use in preparing the pages of your quiz, whether the pages are in fact questions or pages used to frame your quiz. A question is shown to the respondent and requires an answer. When we create a question, we start with an item to which we can add images, video or audio files in order to create a multimedia quiz.

We can organize the pages of a quiz in order to structure its contents.

The project manager can invite other users to collaborate in preparing quizzes by inviting them to join the project to which the quiz is associated.

To display the list of quizzes:
At the top of the Netquiz Web page, click on Quizzes, then, in the menu on the left beneath the title Quizzes, click on My quizzes.

From this page, you can use all of the functions related to quizzes: add a new quiz, modify, duplicate, flag, see a web preview of the quiz, import or export quizzes, print or delete quizzes, and create collections to organize quizzes.

The columns in the list are as follows:

Code: A unique code number assigned by Netquiz Web when the quiz is saved.
Title: Name given to the quiz by the user, under the Parameters tab when the quiz was created or modified.
Items: Number of items in the quiz.
Collection: Collection as saved at the time when the quiz was added or modified. Although is not essential for a quiz to belong to a collection, collections can help you organize your quizzes.
Status: Status of the quiz. The values are:

Note: This is a comment added under the Parameters tab concerning a quiz when it was created or modified. The content of this field is not visible in the published quiz. It is used to write notes to help you manage the content or for collaboration with a colleague. It can help identify an item that you wish to note, such as something to check, complete, check copyrights for, etc.).

Modification date: Date and time that an item was last saved.

Star icon:
An orange star is used to flag a quiz or quizzes to which you want to draw a special attention. It could be a quiz to complete or check. You can flag or unflag the quiz by clicking on the star next to the quiz title in the list or by using the command Flag for one or more quizzes in the list.

See Using lists

Add a new quiz

A quiz is always associated with a project, and is made from items and media files that are saved in the project's library. The quizzes that are part of a project can be organized into collections. It is not essential to use collections to categorize your quizzes, but it is an effective way to file your work.

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Library at the top of the Netquiz Web page
    in the menu on the left, under the title Library, and click on My quizzes.
  2. Move the cursor over Add a new quiz, to the right of the title My quizzes; this will display the form for the quiz.
  3. Fill in the text input fields.

    NOTE: As soon as the quiz's form is displayed, the list of items in the quiz will be visible at the left of the page.
  4. Click on the Save button to save the information or click on Cancel if you do not wish to save the changes to the form.

Three tabs are used to define a quiz: Parameters, Theme and Glossary.

At the top and bottom of the page, you can see the Save button, to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This will allow you to see the quiz exactly as it will appear to the respondent.
Netquiz Web simulates how the quiz will appear to the respondents.

Parameters for the quiz

The Parameters tab allows you to determine the quiz's essential elements.

Collection: A quiz can, but does not have to belong to a collection. To learn more about collections, see the page [lien vers la page des collections].

To associate a quiz with an existing collection, click on Collection in the drop-down menu.

To associate a quiz with a new collection, enter a name for the new collection in the input field Create a new collection if needed. The new collection will be created at the same time as the quiz. It will appear in the library under My collections.

Title of the quiz: This title will appear in the list of quizzes.

Presentation of items: Order in which the items are presented within the quiz (here we refer to the questions). Your options are:

Based on the parameter of each section:
 If the quiz is divided into sections (see how to divide a quiz in sections), you can choose, for each section, to present the items (questions) in either random order or in a predetermined order, as displayed in the left-hand column. If your quiz is not divided in sections, and you do not set this parameter, the items will appear in random order by default in the published quiz.

Random order: 
The items (questions) will appear in random order in the published quiz.

Predetermined order:
 The items (questions) will appear in the same order as they are in the left-hand column. (see how).

Response time:
The time that the respondent spent on each item (question) before clicking on the Submit button (see). Your options are:

Do not calculate:
Response time will not appear in the results table;

 Response time column will appear in the results table; Response time is calculated from the instant the item is displayed until the respondent clicks on Submit. Response time is always based on the respondent's last attempt at the item, if the respondent submits the item more than once. A dash before an item (question) indicates that it has not yet been submitted for correction.

Display correct answer:
 Choose whether or not to show the correct answer to the respondent. It might be pedagogically desirable to show the respondent the correct answer before submitting an actual answer.

Based on the parameter of each item:
 each item contains the parameter Display correct answerDisplay correct answer is the default option. So if you choose the option Based on the parameter of each item in the parameters of the quiz, the Solution button will appear or not, depending on the parameter setting in the published quiz.

 the Solution button will appear in the question page of the published quiz, regardless of the parameter setting for the item.

Do not display:
 the Solution button will not appear in any of the question pages in the published quiz, regardless of the item's parameter setting.

Automatically start media:
 Choose the appropriate option if you want the selected media to start automatically or not.

Based on the parameter of each item: 
every item offers the parameter option Automatically start mediaDo not start the media is the default option. However, if the option Based on the parameter of each item is selected in the parameters of the quiz, the media will or will not start automatically when the item page is displayed depending on the parameters of the item presented.

Never start media: The respondent must start the media him or herself.
Always start audio: If the item contains an audio file, the audio file will always start to play as soon as the item in the published quiz is displayed.
Always start video: If the item contains a video file, the video file will always start to play as soon as the item in the published quiz is displayed.

Language for preview or publication of this quiz: Determines the interface language of the published quiz. The drop-down menu contains the title of each of the languages defined in My languages.

Note: The content of this field is not visible in the published quiz. It is used to write notes to help you manage the content or for collaboration with a colleague. It can help identify an item that you wish to note (such as something to check, complete, check copyrights for, etc.).

The Theme of the quiz

The Theme tab offers a selection of graphic templates for the pages. Every page in a quiz will use the theme that you select here.

To choose a theme, just click on the Theme tab and choose from among the choices offered. Apart from some visual characteristics, all of the themes have a similar appearance.

At the top and bottom of the page, you can see the Save button, to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to the respondent.

Add a glossary to a quiz

Using this tab, you can create a glossary for a quiz.

First, you must create a list of terms and save them to the library (see). The terms that you save will be available for any glossary that you add to a quiz that is part of the same project.

To add terms to the glossary of a quiz you are preparing, display the complete list of terms under the Glossary tab and click on the appropriate boxes, one at a time, to select the terms for the quiz.

When the quiz is published, a tab will be added to bar at the top of the page giving access to the Glossary page at the end of the quiz. The terms and expressions included in the glossary will be underlined in all of the text fields. For this reason it is important to avoid using underlining as a way to highlight parts of the text. The respondent can simply click on the underlined terms and expressions to display the definition saved in the glossary.

Add items to or delete items from a quiz

To add one or more items to a quiz:

  1. Display the list of items by clicking on Library at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz that you wish to modify by clicking on the corresponding button.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands and click on Add to a quiz. This will display a list that allows you to select the quiz.

In the list of items in the library, the selected items now have a hyperlink icon in the last column. This icon identifies an item that appears in one or more quizzes. Move the cursor over this icon to display the list of quizzes that contain this item.

NOTE: When the form for an item is displayed, click on the command Add to a quiz by moving the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form.

To delete one or more items from a quiz:

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Click on the quiz that you want to modify; this will display the selected quiz on the left side of the page, with all the items it contains.
  3. Select the item or items in the list that you want to delete.
  4. Move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the page and click on Remove this item from the quiz.

The item is now removed from the quiz, but it can still be found in the library.

Divide a quiz into sections

1. In the quiz's form, move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands available.
2. Click on Add a section. This will display the form for the section.
3. Enter the required information in the input fields: Presentation of items gives you the option of showing the items in either Random order or Predetermined order. The later meaning that items will appear in the order they are in the section's list.
4. Use the cursor to slide items to the appropriate section in the column at the left.

To delete a section, use the cursor to select the section from the items list displayed on the left. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Move to recycle bin.

When you delete a section and its contents, you cannot recover them from the recycling bin; they have been removed from the quiz. To return the items to the quiz, click on Add a quiz.

Modify the order of items in a quiz

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Click on the title of the quiz. This will display the quiz's form. At the left of the page, the title of the quiz is displayed followed by the list of items it contains, including the first and the end pages.
  3. Use the cursor to select an item and to slide it to its new position in the list.

Publish a quiz

When you are ready to publish a quiz:

  1. Move the cursor over Status: Draft at right. This will display a drop-down menu.
  2. Select Publish the quiz, then write a word in the input field in the window that appears. This word will be, along with the prefix already indicated, the URL (address) for your quiz.
  3. Click on the Publish button.

To see your published quiz, click on the URL that appears in blue when your quiz is successfully published. If you modify a published questionnaire, you must publish it again to see the changes online. The URL will not change.

Modify the quiz's form

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Click on the title of the quiz. This will display the quiz's form. At the left of the page, the title of the quiz is displayed followed by the list of items it contains, including the first and the end pages.
  3. Modify the content of the input fields.
  4. Click on the Save button to save changes or click on Cancel if you do not wish to save the changes.

Duplicate quizzes

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz or quizzes that you want to duplicate by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on Duplicate.

The quiz or quizzes that you have duplicated are added at the bottom of the list, and an asterisk (*) is appended to their name.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Duplicate.

Flag a quiz

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz or quizzes that you want to flag by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on Flag.

In the list of quizzes in the library, the flagged quizzes now have an orange star in the second-last column. An orange star is used to flag a quiz or quizzes to which you want to draw a special attention. It could be a quiz to complete or check.
It is possible to flag or to unflag a quiz by clicking on the star next to the appropriate quiz title in the list of quizzes.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Flag.

See a Web preview of a quiz

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz that you wish to see in a Web preview by clicking on the corresponding button.

Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on See a Web preview.

The Web preview will be displayed in a new browser window and Netquiz Web produces a simulation of the quiz as it will appear to the respondent in the published quiz.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Web preview.

Export a quiz

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz or quizzes that you want to export by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on Export XML.

The content of the selected quiz will be converted to XML format. In this way, it can be made available to other Netquiz Web users or added to another project. You can now retrieve it from your downloads folder.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Export XML.

Download a Web quiz

Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
Select the quiz that you want to download by clicking on the corresponding button.
Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on Download Web quiz.

A .ZIP file with the compressed content will be downloaded to your computer. The downloaded file contains all of the source code for the quiz, and all of the media files associated with the quiz. It can be published on a website.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Download Web quiz.

Print a quiz

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz that you want to print by clicking on the corresponding button.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on Print.
  4. You now have a window showing the full questionnaire, which you may print using the printing function of your Web browser.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Print.

Delete a quiz

  1. Display the list of quizzes by clicking on Quizzes at the top of the Netquiz Web page.
  2. Select the quiz or quizzes that you want to delete by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
  3. Move the cursor over the gear icon to display the list of commands. Click on Move to recycle bin.

Quizzes in the recycle bin are not permanently deleted, but simply placed in the project's recycle bin. By using the Recycle bin menu, you can either retrieve quizzes or delete them permanently.

NOTE: When a quiz's form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Move to recycle bin.

Organize my quizzes in collections

Although it is not essential for quizzes to belong to a collection, collections can help you organize your quizzes. 
Information about the collections is recorded in project's Library.
Commands that apply to collections, such as Duplicate or Print, function in the same way as they do for other aspects of Netquiz Web.

At the top of the Netquiz Web page, click on Library, then, in the menu on the left beneath the title Library, click on My collections.

The columns in the list are as follows:
Code: A unique number given by Netquiz Web when the collection was saved.
Title: Name of the collection
Note: The content of this field is not visible in the published quiz. This is used to write notes to help you manage the content or for collaboration with a colleague. It can help identify an item that you wish to note, such as something to check, complete, check copyrights for, etc.).
Modification date: Date and time that the collection was last saved.

See Using lists

Associate a quiz with a collection

There are two ways to associate a quiz with a collection:

By first creating collections for your quizzes (see)
By assigning a quiz to a collection when it is created or modified, under the Parameters tab. If the collection has not yet been saved in the library, write a name for the new collection in the field Create a new collection if needed.

Managing collections

At the top of the Netquiz Web page, click on Library, then, in the menu on the left beneath the title Library, click on My collections. This displays the list of collections.
From this page, you can add a new category, modify, duplicate, export, print or delete forms for collections.
See the gear icon above and to the left of the collections list. When you move the cursor over this icon, a menu appears showing the functions available for managing collections.

Add a new collection:

  1. Click on Add a new collection, to the right of the title My collections.
  2. Enter the required information in the input fields:

Title of the collection

Note: The content of this field is not visible in the published quiz. This is used to write notes to help you manage the content or for collaboration with a colleague. It can help identify categories that you wish to note, such as something to check, complete, check copyrights for, etc.).
Click on the Save button to save the information or click on Cancel if you do not wish to save the form.

Modify a collection:

  1. Select the collection you wish to modify from the list of collections by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Move the cursor over the gear icon, above and to the left of the list of collections, and select Modify in the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the changes in the appropriate input fields.
  4. Click on Save to save the changes or on Cancel if you do not want to save the changes.

Duplicate one or more collections:

  1. Select the collection you wish to duplicate from the list of collections by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Move the cursor over the gear icon, above and to the left of the list of collections, and select Duplicate in the drop-down menu.

The duplicated collections will be added to the list, preceded asterisk.

Export one or more collections:

  1. Select the collection you wish to export from the list of collections by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Move the cursor over the gear icon, above and to the left of the list of collections, and select Exporter XML in the drop-down menu. Information concerning the selected collection or collections will be saved in XML format.
  3. You can retrieve the XML file from your downloads folder.

Print one or more collections:

  1. Select the collection you wish to print from the list of collections by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Move the cursor over the gear icon, above and to the left of the list of collections, and select Print in the drop-down menu. 
  3. Print the document as you normally do with your computer.

Delete one or more collections:

  1. Select the collection you wish to delete from the list of collections by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Move the cursor over the gear icon, above and to the left of the list of collections, and select Move to recycle bin in the drop-down menu.

The information concerning the selected collection or collections has not been permanently deleted, but simply moved to the recycle bin. By using the Recycle bin menu, you can either retrieve or delete them permanently.