Matching board item

A Matching board item asks participants to find matching pairs of elements, which can be either text or images, on a sort of checkerboard. Like Matching items, this item type requires participants to find pairs of elements, but this time from a group of cards spread over a checkerboard. You can use anywhere from 2 to 10 pairs of elements on the checkerboard.

At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.

Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.

Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.

Editing this type of item is very similar to editing Matching items, since in both cases you must add pairs of matching elements, one in the Element column and the other to the Associated element column. These elements can either be in image or text format. You choose the format from the drop-down menu above the columns.


The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item. By default, the Matching board contains two pairs of elements.

Item title

The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.

Item type

The item type is Matching board.

Question text

Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.

Element and Associated element

A Matching board item must have at least two pairs of elements. To add a new pair, click on the + button to the right of the last element. Click on the x button to remove a pair of elements.

Choose a file format for the elements and for their associated elements. For Text elements, write your text in the input field for each element. Use the editing tools as needed. For Image elements, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).

Mask image

The mask is the image that represents the back of the cards on the checkerboard. To change the default mask, click on the x button at the top right‑hand corner of the mask, and move your mouse over Add image file to replace the mask. You can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).


Enter text for appropriate feedback.

NOTE: The feedback fields should be used to give a meaningful explanation or feedback other than Correct answer or Incorrect answer, because this general feedback is given automatically upon validation. You are not required to write feedback, but it is worth the effort because it adds to the teaching potential of the questions.


The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.

Add-ons 1 and 2

Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.

Media in the header

The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.

Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).


The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.


An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.

Item parameters

  • Weighting: Enter the number of points given to the question.
  • Display correct answer: Choose whether or not to show the correct answer to participants once they validate their answer. Note that the option that displays the correct answer will be automatically deactivated in the case of a summative assessment.
  • Background colour of the element: Move your cursor over the colour palette to choose a distinctive colour for the elements.
  • Background colour of the associated element: Move your cursor over the colour palette to choose a distinctive colour for the associated elements.
  • Item display type: Select the type of display you want. The choices are Masked from the beginning (the squares of the checkerboard are masked from the beginning, and participants must reveal them by successively clicking to find the elements that make up a pair. This exercise is like a memory game) or unmasked from the beginning (the checkerboard squares are unmasked at the start, and participants hide them by successively finding the elements that make up the pairs. This exercise is more like a matching game).

General messages in the questionnaire language

The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only. 

In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).


Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.