My Assessments

In Netquiz Web+, an assessment is the final, published version of a questionnaire. It is what the participants will be able to see. You can create one or more assessments from the same questionnaire and have, for example, identical versions intended for different groups.

An assessment can be formative or summative, depending on the Type of questionnaire setting in the questionnaire's Parameters tab. Given that the questionnaire forms the basis of the assessment, any changes that are made to it will affect posted assessments that use the questionnaire’s form. It’s therefore best to avoid modifying a questionnaire that is linked to active assessments.

Note: Participants’ identities can only be known within the context of a summative evaluation; participants are anonymous in formative evaluations.

Displaying the list of assessments:

At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click Assessments to access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.

From this page, there are several assessment-related actions available: see an assessment’s results, export an assessment’s results (in CSV or PDF format), deactivate an assessment, or move an assessment to the recycle bin. Simply check the box corresponding to the desired assessment, move the cursor over the gear icon and click on the action you want to take.

To sort the data in the table according to a given column (e.g. activation date, or number of participants), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of assessments that are displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the page. 

The columns in the list are as follows:

  • Code: Unique number assigned by Netquiz Web+ when the assessment is created.
  • Assessment title: Name given by the user when the assessment is created.
  • Questionnaire title: Name of the questionnaire the assessment is based on.
  • Assessment start: Date and time the assessment became or will become active (at the time of creation or later, depending on what was decided when the assessment was created).
  • Type: Formative or summative (depending on the type of questionnaire the assessment is based on).
  • Status: Active or inactive.
  • Answers to be corrected: Number of answers (to Essay-type questions) that have not been corrected yet (see how to correct these answers).
  • Participants: In summative mode (number of people who took the assessment) and in formative mode (umber of times the assessment was taken, all participants combined).
  • Average (%): Average (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants. This number is subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected.