Consulting assessment results

Netquiz Web+'s summative pane lets you track the results and statistics for each posted assessment. 

To consult assessment results:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment whose results you want to see.

The page that appears will contain several statistics on the selected assessment and its parameters. The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. 

In the middle part of the page, you will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the date and time its period of activity starts and ends. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined are shown as being “In progress.”


  • Number of participants: In summative mode (number of people who took the assessment) or in formative mode (number of times the assessment was taken, all participants included).
  • Number of questions: Number of questions in the assessment.
  • Number of incomplete assessments: Number of assessments that were started, but not completed (partial results are registered regardless).
  • Number of partial answers: Number of partially correct answers, all participants included.
  • Graded out of: The assessment's total number of points.
  • Average: Average (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants. 
  • Median: Median (percentage) of the results obtained by all the participants.
  • Lowest grade: Lowest grade received for this assessment.
  • Highest grade: Highest grade received for this assessment.
  • Grade(s) equal to 60% or more: In summative mode (number of participants who scored a grade of 60% or higher) or in formative mode (number of times a grade of 60% or higher was received, all participants included).
IMPORTANT: The data in the Average, Median, Lowest grade, Highest grade and Score(s) equal to 60% or higher are subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected (see how to correct these answers).

Assessment parameters

  • Questionnaire title: Name of the questionnaire the assessment is based on.
  • Assessment period: Date and time the assessment's period of activity starts and ends. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.”
  • Type: Formative or summative (depending on the type of questionnaire the assessment is based on).
  • URL: URL address used to access the assessment.
  • Access code: Code defined when creating the assessment, which the participants must enter to start the assessment (summative mode only).

You can also view the detailed results per participant or per question.