Consulting results for each participant

To consult the participants’ individual results for an assessment:

  1. At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Assessments. You will access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
  2. Click on the title of the assessment to see the results.
  3. In the left pane, click on List of participants.

The list of people who took the assessment will appear on a new page. You will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the start and end date and time during which it was active. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.” 

To sort the data in the table according to a given parameter (e.g. per group or result), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of participants displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the table. 

The columns in the list are as follows:

  • Code: Unique number assigned by Netquiz Web+.
  • Identifier: Identification code you assigned and provided to the participant (for security and confidentiality reasons, no personal information is used on Netquiz Web+). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • PseudonymScreen name chosen by the participant upon starting the assessment, which can be used to establish the participant's identity in the event of a problem with their identifier (typo, forgot, mix-up, etc.). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • Group: Group to which the participant belongs (optional information provided by the participant upon starting the assessment). Applies to summative assessments only.
  • Start: Date and time the participant started the assessment.
  • End: Date and time the participant entered their last answer (before the assessment period’s end).
  • Result (points): Number of points obtained out of the total possible points. 
  • Result (%): Result obtained (percentage).
IMPORTANT: The data in the Result (points) and Result (%) columns are subject to change as long as there are still answers to be corrected (see how to correct these answers).

To consult a participant's detailed results: 

Click on their identifier or, for formative assessments, on the dash (-). You can also check the box corresponding to the participant, move the cursor over the gear icon and click on View detailed results. In addition to a summary of the information on the List of participants page, the page that appears will contain the following information:

  • Number of questions: Number of questions in the assessment.
  • Correct answers: Number of answers the participant got right.
  • Incorrect answers: Number of answers the participant got wrong.
  • Partial answers: Number of answers the participant got partially right.
  • Answers to be corrected: Number of Essay-type questions whose answers have not been corrected yet.
  • Corrected answers: Number of questions whose answers have already been corrected.

Below this, you will see information on each of the assessment's questions (click on the green icon to the right of the status to display or hide this information):

  • Status: Correct answer, partial answer, incorrect answer, answer to be corrected (see how to correct).
  • Type: Type of question (Dictation, Matching, Multiple choice, etc.).
  • Question text: Question's statement. 
  • Points: Number of points obtained out of the total possible points.
  • Complementary information: Additional information about the answer given to this question (e.g. number of errors). Only displayed for certain types of questions. 
  • Answer: Answer given by the participant. Only displayed for certain types of questions.

The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. The ones right underneath let you move from one participant to the next.