Netquiz Web+ is a tool created by the CCDMD that allows you to easily create exercises, quizzes and formative or summative assessments, and to publish them online with a single click.
A Netquiz Web+ project is a collection of questionnaires prepared using items and media files from the project's library. The collaboration function allows several users to work on the same project.
Netquiz Web+ questionnaires can be formative or summative. They are created in French or in English and can also be translated into other languages. It is also possible to add a glossary of terms for the participant's use.
Assessments are the end product of questionnaires. You can create as many assessments as you wish from one questionnaire, and set start and end dates and times for each one (optional).
The library of a Netquiz Web+ project contains the elements needed to create questionnaires, such as items, medias files, collections to sort questionnaires, categories to sort items, a list of terms for the glossary and the list of languages in which questionnaires are posted.
Netquiz Web+ items are the building blocks of questionnaires. There are 14 item types involving different interactions from the participant in the form of question pages. Another item type (Page) is used to create the other pages.
Media files, including images, audio files and videos, are easy to integrate into the items of a questionnaire.
Terms are words or expressions that are saved in the library and can be used to create glossaries that can be associated with questionnaires.
With Languages, you can edit preprogrammed messages and create questionnaires in languages other than French and English.
A Netquiz Web+ project brings together all the questionnaires that share the elements saved to the project’s own library, including the items, media files, collections, categories, terms and languages. You can create several projects, allowing you to have completely separate work environments. You can also use the Import and Export functions to copy items and questionnaires from one project to another.
When you connect to Netquiz Web+ for the first time, it will ask you to create your first project. Its title appears at the top of the page next to the mention Current project. When you add a new project and its status is Active, its title will appear in the popup list of the Current project, where you can select the project on which you want to work.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Account. Then, in the menu on the left under the Account, click on My projects.
You can add, edit or delete a project on this page. You can also invite other users as collaborators or assessment managers. Collaborators can also add, edit or delete content, but they can’t invite other users or activate, deactivate or delete the project. Assessment managers only have access to the project Assessments section. They can post assessments and see the results, but they don’t have access to questionnaires, media, items and other project content.
Each new project has its own distinct library containing its items, media files, collections, categories, terms and languages.
This title will appear in the list of projects.
Enter a unique identifier for the project. Once saved, the identifier cannot be modified. It will appear as the file name in the URL (address) of all the assessments you post.
Active or Inactive.
Your name and email address are automatically displayed.
To invite a new user to collaborate with you on a project (optional), enter their email address and assign them either one of the following roles: collaborator or assessment manager (find out more). Click on Send invitation.
You can't duplicate a project or copy elements directly from one project to another in Netquiz Web+. However, you can copy elements from one project to another with the importing and exporting features. See the information provided for each of these features in the appropriate sections:
Netquiz Web+ allows you to have a group of people working on the same project. There are three roles in a collaborative project: project manager, collaborator and assessment manager. Each member’s access depends on the role they are given.
Access to the project is managed through the project form.
This section contains the following options and information.
The list of current members and their role in the project. The project manager can modify a member’s assigned role or remove a member’s access to the project at any time. The project manager can also communicate quickly with one or more project members via email by simply checking the box for each member they want to contact and clicking on Send an email in the action menu (the gear icon).
The list of invited members whose Netquiz Web+ account has not yet been activated. The project manager can cancel an invitation at any time. The project manager can also communicate quickly with one or more invited members via email by simply checking the box for each member they want to contact and clicking on Send an email in the action menu (the gear icon).
This function allows the project manager to invite new people to participate in the project.
The invitee will receive a link by email allowing them to access the project, and their name will appear in the Pending invitations list if they don’t have a Netquiz Web+ account. If they already have a Netquiz Web+ account, they will see the name of your project in the Current project drop-down list (in the top right corner of the Netquiz Web+ page). If they don’t have an account, they will be invited to create one. Once their account is created, their name will be moved to the Project members list.
An invitation can be cancelled if has not yet been accepted. (To deny access to a member who has already accepted your invitation, see the Modifying or removing a member’s access section on the next page).
As project manager, you can modify a member’s assigned role or remove their access to the project at any time.
If you assign the role of project manager to another member, you will lose your status and automatically become a collaborator on the project.
Remember that as project manager you cannot remove yourself from the members list unless you designate a new project manager.
A Netquiz Web+ project can contain one or several questionnaires that are created using the items and media files previously saved in the project's library.
A questionnaire contains a home page and an end page by default. To create your questionnaire, you need to add text pages and question pages. The former are Page-type items and the latter are created using any of the 14 other types of items requiring interaction from the participant. For example, in a Dictation-type item, the participant is required to transcribe the contents of an audio or video file, while a Matching-type item requires them to pair different elements.
The questionnaire pages can be divided into sections.
The project manager can invite other users to collaborate by inviting them to join a project to which a questionnaire is associated.
At the top of the Netquiz Web page, click on Questionnaires. In the menu on the left under Questionnaires, click on My questionnaires.
From this page, you can use all questionnaires features, e.g. add a new questionnaire, edit, duplicate, flag, see a web preview, import or export, print or delete, and organize questionnaires by creating collections.
A questionnaire is always associated to a project and is made up of items and media files that are saved in the project's library. Questionnaires from a project can be organized into collections – collections are not mandatory, but using them is an efficient way to organize your work.
At the top and bottom of the page, you will find the Save button to save the information you have entered, the Cancel button (if you choose not to save any information) and the Preview button to see how the questionnaire will appear to the participant once published.
Questionnaires are defined under the three following tabs: Parameters, Theme and Glossary.
The Parameters tab allows you to determine the questionnaire's essential elements.
Questionnaires can belong to a collection. To pair a questionnaire with an existing collection, click on the corresponding collection in the drop-down menu. To pair a questionnaire with a new collection, enter the new collection’s name in the Create a new collection if needed field. The new collection will be created at the same time as the questionnaire. It will appear in the library under My collections.
Title as it appears in the list of questionnaires.
Formative or summative
Order in which the questions appear in the assessment. Your options are:
The time that the participant spent on each question before clicking on the Submit button. You can choose to have this time displayed in the results table shown to the participant at the end of the assessment.
Select the appropriate option, depending on whether you want the participant to have access to the correct answer after submitting their answer or not. This option is only available with formative assessments, as it is deactivated in summative mode.
Select the appropriate option, depending on whether you want a detailed results page to be displayed when the participant finishes the assessment or not. For example, you may not want the results to be displayed for summative assessments that include essay-type questions (since the applications can’t automatically grade the answers to these questions).
Determines in what language the assessment interface will appear. The drop-down menu contains the languages defined under My languages.
The content of this field is not visible in the published questionnaire. Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and identify items that are marked “To check”, “To complete” or “Check copyrights”, etc.
The Theme tab offers one or more graphic templates for pages. Every page in a questionnaire will use the theme that you selected.
If more than one theme is available and you wish to change the theme, simply click on the Theme tab and select one of the available themes.
At the top and bottom of the page, you will find the Save button to save the information you have entered, the Cancel button (if you choose not to save any information) and the Preview button to see how the questionnaire will appear to the participant once published.
Using this tab, you can create a glossary for a questionnaire.
First, you must create a list of terms and save it to the library. Saved terms will be available for any glossary that you wish to add to a questionnaire from the same project.
To add terms to the glossary of a questionnaire, display the complete list of terms under the Glossary tab and check all appropriate corresponding boxes one at a time.
A Glossary button will appear in the banner of each assessment that is posted for this questionnaire. All terms and expressions in text boxe that are part of the glossary will be in blue. The participant can simply click on the terms and expressions in blue to display the glossary definition.
When the form for an item is displayed, you can also click on Add to a questionnaire by moving the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form.
In the list of library items, those that were added to one or more questionnaires have a hyperlink icon in the last column. Move the cursor over this icon to see a list of questionnaires where you can find this item.
The item is now removed from the questionnaire, but can still be found in the library.
To delete a section, select it with the arrow in the items list displayed on the left. Move the cursor over the gear icon and click on Delete this section and its content.
When you delete a section and its content, you cannot recover them from the recycling bin. To add items to the questionnaire once again, click on Add to a questionnaire.
A confirmation message will appear in a banner. Click on the URL in this banner to view your assessment.
When a questionnaire form is displayed, you can click on Duplicate by moving the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form.
The duplicated questionnaire(s) are added to the list with an asterisk (*).
When a questionnaire form is displayed, you can move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Flag. You can also flag or unflag a questionnaire by clicking on the star next to it in the questionnaire list.
An orange star appears in the last column of the questionnaire list to indicate those that are flagged. This feature is used to let you know that certain questionnaires require further attention, e.g., they need to be reviewed or completed.
When a questionnaire form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Web preview.
The web preview will be displayed in a new Netquiz Web+ browser window where you will be able to see how the questionnaire will appear to the participant once published.
You must first compress any questionnaires that you wish to import from your computer in ZIP format. This is the only compression format that is compatible with Netquiz Web+.
The questionnaire will be added to your questionnaires and it's items will be saved to the library of this project.
When a questionnaire form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Export XML.
The content of the selected questionnaire will be converted into XML format so that other Netquiz Web+ users can access it or add it to another project. You can retrieve it from your downloads folder.
When a questionnaire form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Print.
When a questionnaire form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right of the form and click on Move to recycle bin.
Questionnaires don’t have to belong to a collection, but collections can help you to better organize your questionnaires.
Collections’ details are saved in the project's library. Commands that apply to collections, such as Duplicate or Print, work the same as they do elsewhere in Netquiz Web+.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library. In the menu on the left under Library, click on My collections.
By creating collections for your questionnaires first (see how) or by assigning a collection when the questionnaire is created or modified, under the Parameters tab. If the collection has not yet been saved in the library, write a name for the new collection in the field Create a new collection if needed.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library. In the menu on the left under Library, click on My collections to display the list of collections. You can add a new collection, modify, duplicate, export, print or delete collection forms.
See the gear icon above and to the left of the collections list. When you move the cursor over the gear icon at the top left of the collections list, a menu appears showing the available functions for the selected collections.
The duplicated collections are added to the list with an asterisk.
A Netquiz Web+ questionnaire is made up of different components that are assembled like building blocks to form the questions. Items are the essential components of any question.
Items are recorded in the Library of a Netquiz Web+ project. That way you can file and reuse an item in many different questionnaires belonging to the same project. You can build 15 different types of items, 14 of which are designed to interact with the participant as question pages. The last type, Page, is used to build intermediary pages, as needed.
Icon | Item Type | Description |
Matching | Matching elements in the first column with elements in the second column. |
Multiple choice | Choosing one answer from several proposed answers. |
Classification | Categorizing the items, which can be either words or images, into file folders. |
Matching board | Finding matching pairs of items, which can be either words or images, within a grid. |
Essay | Answering freely or expressing an opinion on a given subject. |
Dictation | Transcribing the content of an audio or video file. |
Highlight | Finding items in a text and highlighting them using different colours. |
Sequencing | Arranging elements in order, which can be either words or images. |
Short answer | Writing a short answer to a given question. |
Multiple answers | Choosing one or several answers among those offered. |
![]() |
Revision | Correcting the linguistic errors in a text. |
Fill in the blanks | Completing a text by adding the missing words or expressions. |
True or false | Choosing either of the two possible answers. |
Identify parts of an image |
Identifying the components of an image. |
Page | Creating pages for your questionnaire that are not question pages. |
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library, and then, in the left‑hand menu under Library, click on My items.
On this page, you can use all of the functions related to items: adding a new item, modifying, duplicating, flagging, seeing a web preview, adding an item to a questionnaire, exporting, printing, deleting forms for your items, and creating categories to classify items.
All of the items used in the questionnaires of a project are saved in the project’s library.
A Classification item asks participants to place elements into the appropriate file folder. This item type can offer anywhere from 2 to 6 file folders. You can choose either text or image formats for the elements to be filed and the titles of their respective folders.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item. By default, a Classification item includes two file folders.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Classification.
Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
There is a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 folders. The folder types are:
The first word of the pair describes the sort of label used for the folder titles (using images or text), whereas the second determines whether the elements to be filed will be images or texts. If you want your titles to be in Text format, write the title in the input field. If you want your titles to be in Image format, you can use an image file already saved in your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
A file folder image is shown with a title in text or image format, depending on what was chosen. Place in each of the file folders the elements that participants should put in those folders.
To add an element, click on Add an element. This will display a new element in the file entitled Element without text. Click on this text to display the information concerning the element. Enter the text for the element, and then enter the corresponding feedback.
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback. This feedback will be more specific than the feedback associated with the file folders, because it will be specific to the element itself.
Choose the corresponding checkbox and click on Delete the selected elements or Delete this element above the editing zone for the element.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, select the category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, enter the name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Dictation item asks participants to transcribe what they hear in an audio or a video file. Participants have a text input field to enter their response.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Dictation.
Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Enter the text to be used to correct the dictation. Use texts that are fairly short in order to avoid anomalies that could prevent the correction algorithm from functioning properly. You can subdivide a long text into shorter sections and create a separate dictation item for each section. The participant’s answer must be identical to the one in Netquiz to be considered correct.
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to select the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
An essay item asks participants to answer freely or express an opinion about a given subject. Participants have a text input field to enter their response.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the last changes, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Essay.
Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Essay items cannot be automatically corrected by the application. During formative assessments, participants need to have access to a sample response or pointers to self-correct. Provide a sample response or a comment that participants will see after they click on Submit.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Fill in the blanks item asks participants to complete a text by filling in missing words or expressions.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Fill in the blanks.
Write the text for the question that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
The arrows above the editing zone of a blank allow you to skip from one blank to another without having to click on each blank in the text, which can be very helpful when reviewing feedback messages.
In the text editing field, select the blanks and click on Delete the selected blanks or, in the blank editing zone, click on Delete this blank.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, select the category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, enter the name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants choose to validate their answer. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Highlight item asks participants to find elements in a text and highlight them with different colours. Netquiz Web+ offers a choice of 17 different colours.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the last changes, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Highlight.
Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Choose a colour and define its meaning.
Enter text for appropriate feedback.
The arrows over the highlight editing zone allow you to skip from one highlight to another, which can be very useful when reviewing feedback.
In the text input field, select the highlighted text and click on Delete highlighted sections or, in the highlight editing zone, click on Delete this highlight.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, select the category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, enter the name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
An Identify parts of an image item asks participants to identify the different components of an image.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Identify parts of an image.
Write the text of the question that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Move your cursor over the icon, and choose a colour from the drop-down menu. It is important to select a colour that contrasts with the image you have chosen for the item to make sure the labels that identify the areas of the image will be easy to see.
Click on Add image file. You can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
You will find as many labels as there are areas to identify, as defined at the bottom of the image. These labels are piled one on top of the other in the upper left-hand corner of the image. Slide each label to the corresponding area of the image; this will automatically insert the X and Y coordinates for each of the areas. You can change these coordinates, but they could be useful if you want to use the same positions for the area of another image with the same format.
An Identify parts of an image item includes at least two areas to be identified. To add a new choice, click on the + button to the right of the last choice. Click on the x button to remove a choice.
Select the file format for the answers. For answers in Text format, write your text in the input field for each element. Use the editing tools as needed. For answers in Image format, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Matching item asks participants to match elements in the first column with elements in the second column. This type of item can offer from 2 to 30 pairs to match; however, keep in mind that if there are too many pairs to match, the exercise might become difficult for some participants. A pair of elements can be in either text or image format, or a combination of both, such as images in one column that have to be associated with text in the other column.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item. By default, a Matching item contains two pairs of elements.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Matching.
Write the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
A matching item must include at least two pairs of elements. To add a new pair, click on the + button to the right of the last element. Click on the x button to remove a pair.
Select the file type for the element and the file type of its associated element. For Text elements, write your text in the input field for each element. Use the editing tools as needed. For Image elements, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Matching board item asks participants to find matching pairs of elements, which can be either text or images, on a sort of checkerboard. Like Matching items, this item type requires participants to find pairs of elements, but this time from a group of cards spread over a checkerboard. You can use anywhere from 2 to 10 pairs of elements on the checkerboard.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
Editing this type of item is very similar to editing Matching items, since in both cases you must add pairs of matching elements, one in the Element column and the other to the Associated element column. These elements can either be in image or text format. You choose the format from the drop-down menu above the columns.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item. By default, the Matching board contains two pairs of elements.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Matching board.
Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
A Matching board item must have at least two pairs of elements. To add a new pair, click on the + button to the right of the last element. Click on the x button to remove a pair of elements.
Choose a file format for the elements and for their associated elements. For Text elements, write your text in the input field for each element. Use the editing tools as needed. For Image elements, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
The mask is the image that represents the back of the cards on the checkerboard. To change the default mask, click on the x button at the top right‑hand corner of the mask, and move your mouse over Add image file to replace the mask. You can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter text for appropriate feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Multiple answers item allows participants to choose several answers among those offered. This type of item can offer from 2 to 30 possible answers, in either text or image format.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the last changes, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Multiple answers.
Write the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Click on the checkbox(es) next to the correct answers.
A Multiple answers item must offer at least two possible answers. To add a new choice, click on the + button to the right of the last answer. Click on the x button to remove an answer.
Select the file format for the answers. For answers in Text format, write your text in the input field for each element. Use the editing tools as needed. For answers in Image format, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
Multiple choice items ask participants to choose one answer from several proposed answers. There can be anywhere from 2 to 30 possible answers, in either text or image format.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item. By default, a multiple choice item provides two choices to participants.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Multiple choice.
Enter the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Click on the radio button next to the correct answer.
A multiple choice item must offer at least two possible answers. To add a new choice, click on the + button to the right of the last choice. Click on the x button to remove a choice.
Select the file format for the answers. For Text answers, write your text in the text box for each item. Use the editing tools as needed. For Image answers, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add an image, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
Page items allow users to add pages other than question pages to their questionnaires. You can add pages to present sections, or any other page needed to present your questionnaire.
This type of item can be used to give a lesson, an explanation or instructions. You can follow a page like this with a series of exercises based on various item types.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the page title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Page.
Write the text that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Revision item requires that the participant find and correct language errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc.) in the text.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the last changes, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
An item is defined in three tabs: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Revision.
Write the instruction that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
IMPORTANT: The pitfalls and errors can only concern one word at a time and the corrections cannot add or remove a word from the text. It is therefore not possible, for example, to correct an entire word (pitfall or error) by replacing it with two separate words or deleting the word.
Try to anticipate correct, but non-vital changes and all the appropriate corrections for each word (e.g. traditional/rectified spelling, optional commas, optional grammatical agreements in French).
Given that this is a complex item to create, be sure to test it several times before publishing, to ensure that it is working properly.
The arrows above the editing area of a pitfall or error serve to quickly move from one pitfall or error to the next, which is very useful for revising feedback.
In the text’s editing area, select the entire texte and click on Delete all selected.
In the pitfall or error’s editing area, click on Delete this selection.
In the text’s editing area, click on Delete text.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. These messages are defined for all the items of the same type by the person responsible for the questionnaire. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Sequencing item asks participants to put a list of elements, which can be either texts or images, in order. A Sequencing item can include from 2 to 30 elements to be placed in order. Please note, however, that too many elements can make it difficult for participants to manipulate the elements to be ordered.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item. By default, a Sequencing item contains two elements.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Sequencing.
Write the instruction as it will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
A Sequencing item must include at least two elements. Enter the elements in the correct order; this will be the reference for correction. To add a new element, click on the + button to the right of the last element. Click on the x button to remove an element.
Select the file format for the elements. For Text elements, write your text in the input field for each element. Use the editing tools as needed. For Image elements, you can use an image file from your library (see how) or import a new file from another source (see how).
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A Short answer item asks participants to write a short answer to a given question.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is Short answer.
Enter the instructions that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Click on the checkbox(es) next to the correct answers.
A Short answer item must include at least one answer. To add a new potential answer, click on the + button to the right of the last answer. Click on the x button to remove an answer that you have added.
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add an image, Add an audio file or Add a video to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, select the category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, enter the name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answers. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green, an Incorrect answer is marked in red, and a Partial answer is marked in orange. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
A True or false item asks participants to select one of two possible answers, in text format.
At the top and bottom of the page, you can use the Save button to save the information you have entered, Cancel if you choose not to save the new information, and Preview to see how the item will appear when published. This last command allows you to see the item exactly as it will appear to participants.
Note that when you add an item to the library of a given project for which you have invited people to collaborate with you, this item will also be available for them to consult or modify as needed. In addition, if one of the collaborators modifies an item, the modified version of the item will appear in all of the questionnaires and assessments that use this item.
Three tabs are used to define the item: Content, Add-ons and Parameters.
The Content tab is used to define what makes up the item.
The item title is the same as the question title. This is the title displayed for participants and in the Title column in the list of items.
The item type is True or false.
Write the text for the question that will be shown to participants. Use the editing tools as needed.
Click on the radio button next to the correct answer.
A True or false item asks participants to select one of two possible answers.
Enter the text for the corresponding feedback.
The Add-ons tab allows you to add complementary information to the item.
Enter complementary information related to the question. Use the editing tools as needed. For example, you could give clues to help participants better understand.
The header of an item can contain one or more media files. Add a title and descriptive text to the media files (optional). Use the editing tools as needed.
Use the commands Add image file, Add audio file or Add video file to choose the media file or files for the header. You can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
The Parameters tab allows you to define the specific attributes for this item type.
An item can belong to a category or not. To associate an item with an existing category, choose a category from the drop-down menu. To associate an item with a new category, write a name for the category in the Add a new category field as needed. The new category will be created at the same time as the new item and will be added to the library under My categories.
The general messages appear when participants decide to validate their answer. By default, a Correct answer is marked in green and an Incorrect answer is marked in red. However, you can provide different messages when creating the item by clicking on Modify values for this item only.
In order to add an image, a video or an audio file to a message, you can use a file that is already saved in your library (see how), or you can import a new file from another source (see how).
Notes can help you manage the content or work in collaboration with a colleague and items that are marked “To be reviewed”, “To be completed”, “Check copyrights”, etc.). Its content does not appear in the published assessments.
When an item form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the form.
Any duplicated item will be added to the list.
When an item’s form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the form. From the list of items, you can click on the star next to an item to flag or unflag the item.
In the list of items in the library, the flagged items now have an orange star in the second-last column from the right. The orange star is used to flag an item or items that you want to draw special attention to, whether they are favourite items to be reviewed or completed.
When the form for an item is displayed, click on the command Add to a questionnaire by moving the cursor over the gear icon in the top right‑hand corner of the form.
In the list of items in the library, the selected items now have a hyperlink icon in the last column. This icon identifies an item that appears in one or more questionnaires. Move the cursor over this icon to display the list of questionnaires that contain this item.
You must first compress any items that you wish to import from your computer in ZIP format. This is the only compression format that is compatible with Netquiz Web+.
The items will be saved to the library of this project. You will have to add them to the questionnaires for this project, as appropriate.
When an item’s form is displayed, click on the command Export XML by moving the cursor over the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the form.
The content of the selected items is converted into XML files and downloaded to your computer. You can retrieve them in your computer’s download folder.
When an item’s form is displayed, click on one of the Preview buttons to the right of the form, or use the Web preview command by moving the cursor over the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the form.
The Web preview will be displayed in a new browser window, and Netquiz Web+ produces a simulation of the question that participants will see in the published questionnaire.
When an item form is displayed, use the Print command by moving the cursor over the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the form.
When an item form is displayed, use the Move to recycle bin command by moving the cursor over the gear icon in the top right‑hand corner of the form.
Although it is not mandatory for items to belong to a category, categories can help you organize your items.
Information about the categories is saved in the project’s Library and can be used to organize all the items of the project.
Commands that apply to categories, such as Duplicate or Print, work the same way they do for other components of Netquiz Web+.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library, and then, in the left‑hand menu beneath the title Library, click on My categories.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library, and then, in the left‑hand menu beneath the title Library, click on My categories. This displays the list of categories.
On this page, you can add a new category, modify, duplicate, export, print or delete forms for categories.
When you move your cursor over the gear icon at the top left of the categories list, a menu appears showing the functions available for managing categories.
The duplicated categories will be added to the list, preceded by asterisks.
The information concerning the selected category or categories has not been permanently deleted, but simply moved to the recycle bin. By using the Recycle bin menu, you can either retrieve or delete them permanently.
You can find the list of terms and expressions that you can use to create glossaries in the My terms section of the project’s library. This list of terms will be available to use in all the questionnaires in a given project. You choose terms from this list when you want to prepare a glossary for any specific questionnaire (see how).
A Glossary button will appear at the top of each assessment page posted from this questionnaire. In each text box, the glossary terms and expressions are highlighted; participants can view their definitions with a simple click.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library, then, in the menu on the left under Library, click on My terms.
On this page, you can add a new term, modify, duplicate, export or delete a term form.
The duplicated terms are added to the list with an asterisk.
You can import terms by clicking on Import elements in the My items menu, under My questionnaires.
Media files include image, audio and video files that are saved in a project's library. You can use them to give a multimedia aspect to your Netquiz Web+ questionnaires.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library, then, in the menu on the left under Library, click on My media. From this page, you can use all of the functions related to media files: add new media, modify, flag, print or move to recycle bin.
When a media form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon at the top right and click on Flag. You can also click on the corresponding star to either flag or unflag a file.
The flagged media files now have an orange star in the second-last column from the right. The orange star is used to flag files to which you wish to draw special attention, whether they are favourite or files to be modified or checked.
When a media files form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form and click on Print.
For an image file, the printed file will contain the image. For an audio or video file, the printed file will include the file name and URL.
When a media file form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form and click on Move to recycle bin.
A media file can be chosen from among those already saved in the library (see how) or downloaded from another source, such as the Internet or a network-accessible source (see how).
Netquiz Web+ allows you to insert media files from your library into any text input field where the editing toolbar is available, except for the home page.
All of the editing tools are available in full-screen mode.
The Netquiz Web+ user can work with the English or French interface. By default, questionnaires can also be created in French or English. It is also possible to modify questionnaire frame so that the questionnaire appears in other languages. Simply enter the translations into the text input fields of the language form.
When preparing a questionnaire, one of the parameters allows you to select from the languages that are saved in the library.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click on Library, then, in the menu on the left under Library, click on My languages.
Using the list of languages, you can add a new language or modify, duplicate, export, print or delete language forms.
Another way to add a new language is to duplicate an existing language, and then to enter the translation into each of the text input fields. This can be simpler because all you need to do is to replace the content with its translation.
When a language form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form and click on Duplicate.The duplicated language is added to the list with an asterisk.
When a language form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form and click on Export XML.
When a language form is displayed, move the cursor over the gear icon at the top right of the form and click on Print.
In Netquiz Web+, an assessment is the final, published version of a questionnaire. It is what the participants will be able to see. You can create one or more assessments from the same questionnaire and have, for example, identical versions intended for different groups.
An assessment can be formative or summative, depending on the Type of questionnaire setting in the questionnaire's Parameters tab. Given that the questionnaire forms the basis of the assessment, any changes that are made to it will affect posted assessments that use the questionnaire’s form. It’s therefore best to avoid modifying a questionnaire that is linked to active assessments.
At the top of the Netquiz Web+ page, click Assessments to access the My results per assessment page, which contains a list of all the assessments for the current project.
From this page, there are several assessment-related actions available: see an assessment’s results, export an assessment’s results (in CSV or PDF format), deactivate an assessment, or move an assessment to the recycle bin. Simply check the box corresponding to the desired assessment, move the cursor over the gear icon and click on the action you want to take.
To sort the data in the table according to a given column (e.g. activation date, or number of participants), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of assessments that are displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the page.
A confirmation message will appear in a banner. Click on the URL in this banner to view your assessment.
It is also possible to post an assessment from a questionnaire (see how to do so).
Netquiz Web+'s summative pane lets you track the results and statistics for each posted assessment.
The page that appears will contain several statistics on the selected assessment and its parameters. The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next.
In the middle part of the page, you will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the date and time its period of activity starts and ends. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined are shown as being “In progress.”
You can also view the detailed results per participant or per question.
The list of people who took the assessment will appear on a new page. You will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the start and end date and time during which it was active. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.”
To sort the data in the table according to a given parameter (e.g. per group or result), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of participants displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the table.
Click on their identifier or, for formative assessments, on the dash (-). You can also check the box corresponding to the participant, move the cursor over the gear icon and click on View detailed results. In addition to a summary of the information on the List of participants page, the page that appears will contain the following information:
Below this, you will see information on each of the assessment's questions (click on the green icon to the right of the status to display or hide this information):
The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. The ones right underneath let you move from one participant to the next.
The page that appears will contain the list of the assessment's questions. You will see the assessment’s status (active or inactive), as well as the start and end date and time during which it was active. Assessments whose end date and time have not been predefined show as being “In progress.”
To sort the data in the table according to a given parameter (e.g. per type or weight), move the cursor over the heading of the appropriate column and click on the arrow that appears. You can also change the number of questions displayed per page by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu near the navigation arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the table.
Click on its title (Question column). In addition to a summary of the information on the List of questions page, the page that appears will contain the following information:
Below this, you will see information on each of the assessment's questions (click on the green icon to the right of the status to display or hide this information):
In a summative assessment, this information is preceded by the participant's identifier, that is, the identification code you assigned and provided to the participant so that they could take the assessment.
The arrows in the upper right-hand corner let you move from one assessment to the next. The ones right underneath let you move from one question to the next.
The answers to Essay questions cannot be automatically corrected in Netquiz Web+. In formative mode, participants have access to a response model or instructions on how to self-correct. In summative mode, you must grade the essays by manually scoring each question.
The arrows in the upper and lower right-hand corners of the results sheet let you quickly move from one participant to the next.
To export the results summary in CSV format from an assessment's statistics page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Export results (CSV).
To delete the results from a participant's detailed results page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Move to recycle bin.
To delete the results from a participant's detailed results page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Move to recycle bin.
To deactivate an assessment from its statistics page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Deactivate the assessment.
To delete an assessment from its statistics page, move the cursor over the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on Move to recycle bin.
Create a new questionnaire
Importing and exporting questionnaires
Fill in the blanks
Identify parts of an image
Matching board
Multiple answers
Multiple choice
Short answer
True or false
Managing assessments
Consulting assessment results
Consulting results for each participant
Consulting results for each question
Exporting the results (CSV or PDF format)
Managing project access
Here you’ll find the answers to the questions that are the most frequently asked by Netquiz Web+ users, grouped into different themes.
I’m a new Netquiz Web+ user. How do I post an assessment?
The quickest way to post an assessment is to first create a new questionnaire and fill out all the fields on the homepage, and then to add items by moving the cursor over the gear icon on the right side of the screen. All items and media files that you add to a questionnaire are automatically saved to the library, so that you can use them again. Once you are done, you can post an assessment from the questionnaire by clicking on Assessments, at the top of the page. For more details about these steps, view the related videos and articles in Netquiz Web+ Help.
Do my students need to create a Netquiz Web+ account to access an assessment?
No. They can access it directly through its URL.
What details do I need to provide to my students to allow them to complete a summative assessment?
You need to provide them with the assessment’s URL and access code—which you set before posting the assessment—as well as the Identifier, Pseudonym and Group (optional).
Is the identification page of the summative assessment customizable?
You cannot add or delete fields, buttons or messages in the identification page or any page in Netquiz Web+, but you can modify all the messages and button labels on the identification page by clicking on My languages.
Is there an option for students to freely browse through a summative assessment?
No. When in summative mode, questions appear one at a time, and going back or editing an answer that was submitted is not allowed.
Can I view my students’ answers once they’ve completed an assessment?
Netquiz Web+ saves the answers only to Essay and Revision items. Only the results are saved for other question types.
Can I give students a marked copy of their assessments?
This is not an option in Netquiz Web+.Also, the answers to Essay and Revision items are saved, while only the results are saved for other question types.
Can I send students their results individually in PDF format?
This is not an option in Netquiz Web+. However, in the questionnaire parameters, you can activate the option to display the results page, so that your students can view and print their results once they have completed their assessment.
Is it possible to allow the identification of students for a formative assessment?
No. Formative assessments can only be done anonymously. However, you can ask for the students’ first and last names as part of an Essay item and not assign points. You will then be able to view the identity of a student by clicking on the dash in the Identifier column of the participant list for this assessment and reading the answer to the Essay item.
Is it possible to activate feedback for a summative assessment?
Feedback is available only in formative mode and is automatically deactivated in summative mode.
When a summative assessment is scheduled, is there an option to display a timer or a countdown clock?
No. When you schedule a summative assessment, you must tell your students how much time they have to answer all the questions—the questionnaire’s homepage is a great place to include this information. While they complete the assessment, participants will see how many pages there are and what page they are on. A pop-up window will appear five minutes before the end of the assessment to warn them that any answer entered after those five minutes will not be saved.
Is it possible to limit how much time is allowed to answer each question in a questionnaire?
No. You can only limit how much time is allowed to complete the whole questionnaire.
Is it possible to customize the time limit to complete a summative assessment in order to accommodate students who require special measures?
In this particular case, you can schedule two different summative assessments with different time limits from the same questionnaire and give your students who require it the URL to the assessment that allows more time.
What happens if a student encounters technical issues while completing their summative assessment?
If, for whatever reason, a student leaves Netquiz Web+ during a summative assessment, they can go back to it using the URL. By entering their same identifier and pseudonym, they will go right back where they were. If the assessment was scheduled and too much time has passed before the student could log back in, you have to come to an agreement with them on how they can make up for the lost time.
Is it possible to modify the end time of an ongoing assessment?
No. But if the assessment has just started, you could schedule a new assessment and send the new URL to participants.
For how long are the results saved in Netquiz Web+?
Assessments remain in the assessment list and their results are viewable for as long as they’re not moved to the recycle bin. It is still recommended to export the results in CSV or PDF format and save a local copy.
How many times can participants redo a formative assessment?
There is no limit to the number of attempts in a formative assessment. Participants can redo questionnaires and/or questions as many times as they want.
Are there options in Netquiz Web+ to prevent participants from sharing or minimizing the screen and to supervise them using a webcam in order to prevent plagiarism and cheating?
Netquiz Web+ doesn’t have those options, but you can still use a videoconferencing app to supervise your virtual classroom during an assessment.
To prevent cheating, you could randomize the presentation of certain items and elements, or have Netquiz Web+ select a certain number of items from a bank of items in questionnaires with no sections. To learn more, view the related articles in Netquiz Web+ Help.
Is there an option to keep a student from doing the same summative assessment several times from the URL and access code provided?
As long as an assessment is active, a student could access it using different identifiers. To prevent this, it is highly recommended to limit access to the assessment by setting a start and end time, and by allowing students only the minimum amount of time required to answer all the questions. This way, students won’t have time to do the assessment several times, and the assessment will automatically become inactive at the end of the scheduled period.
Is it possible to limit access to a summative assessment to certain people or certain groups?
Netquiz Web+ doesn’t offer the option to preregister certain people or groups, or to limit access to those people.
Can several questions be added to the same page?
In Netquiz Web+, an item corresponds to a single question and a single page. However, you can include several blanks, highlights or selections to a Fill in the blanks, Highlight or Revision item, but there is only one Submit button per page.
Can mathematical expressions in LaTeX format be included, for instance with MathJax, when writing questions?
Yes. The MathJax library has been integrated into Netquiz Web+, and you can input mathematical expressions (e.g., || y = 2x ||) in most of the text fields. You can preview your formula by generating an overview of your item or questionnaire.
Note that the vertical double lines serve as start and close delimiters for the formula. To learn the syntax for mathematical formulas and see examples, please refer to or
Where is the mathematical formula editor in Netquiz Web+?
Netquiz Web+ does not include a mathematical formula editor. You can use an online formula editor that is compatible with MathJax (e.g.,, and copy-and-paste the syntax of the formula in Netquiz Web+ by adding double vertical lines before and after the formula (e.g., || y = 2x ||).
Can a PDF file be inserted in a questionnaire?
This cannot be done unless you have a hyperlink to the file. If you have a link, you can simply insert it under the Add-ons tab, for example.
I created a questionnaire with 25 questions, and I chose to randomize 20 of those 25 questions. However, I would also like to make 2 of the 25 questions mandatory. Can I do that?
Netquiz Web+ does not allow you to make certain questions mandatory among a bank of questions. The best solution would be to create a questionnaire with 20 questions, including your 2 mandatory questions, and to present them in random order.
I would like to design a questionnaire that would randomly select items (questions) belonging to three different categories (e.g., five items in the Agreements category, five items in the Syntax category, and five items in the Punctuation category). Can I do that?
Netquiz Web+ does allow you to randomly choose a number of items among those included in a questionnaire with no sections, but those items must be of the same nature or level of difficulty, since the random selection cannot be refined. This means that you cannot draw from three different banks, or force the selection of items belonging to a particular category.
Can the font size be increased or can special characters be added in a text field?
Yes, but only in text fields that include an editing toolbar. All of the available editing tools will appear when you click on the full-screen mode icon .
What is the difference between categories and collections?
Categories are used to classify items, while collections are used to classify questionnaires. This means that categories and collections have the same function, but serve to classify different elements of a project. They are not visible in the posted questionnaires; they are used only to make it easier for users to manage items and questionnaires. For instance, a French teacher could create the Syntaxe, Accords, Ponctuation and Vocabulaire categories, and associate each item with one of those categories. When the teacher assembles a questionnaire, it will be easier for them to choose adequate items from the library.
Can questions be imported from Moodle to Netquiz Web+?
Unfortunately, questions created in Moodle cannot be imported to Netquiz Web+.
Can Netquiz Web+ questionnaires be exported in SCORM format so they can be integrated into a learning management system?
No. However, you could post the link to your assessment in your learning management system.
Can I export my questionnaires?
Yes. Netquiz Web+ questionnaires can be exported in XML format, which makes it possible to import them to another project, or to another Netquiz Web or Netquiz Web+ account.
I made a mistake when I filled out the Netquiz Web+ sign-up form. What can I do?
Contact the CCDMD by email at to inquire about the situation.
I requested a Netquiz Web+ account two business day ago, and I still have not received a response. What should I do?
Check your spam email folder first. If you have not received any email from Netquiz Web+, you might have made a typo when you filled out the sign-up form, and your email address might be invalid. Contact the CCDMD by email at to inquire about the situation.
My Netquiz Web+ account is locked. What should I do?
Your account may have been locked out after several unsuccessful login attempts. Contact the CCDMD by email at to reactivate your account.
How can I access the English version of Netquiz Web+?
To use the English-language Netquiz Web+ interface, click on English in the lower left-hand corner of the page. If you want to use the French-language interface, but want to post your questionnaires in English, select English in the Language for preview or publication of this questionnaire menu, in the questionnaire parameters.
How can collaborators access the questionnaires in my project?
The people that you invite to collaborate to your project will receive an email with a link enabling them to access the project. If they do not have a Netquiz Web+ account, they will first be invited to create one. Collaborators have the same rights or access privileges as you do, except that they cannot invite new members to work on the project, and they cannot activate, deactivate or delete your project.